Top part of a tooth drawing

From Sore Spots to Slips: Solving Your Implant Denture Issues

Bottom part of a tooth drawing
July 15, 2024

Just had your Union Center implant dentures? Well, we must say, that’s a fantastic step toward a brighter, more stable smile. As with any new adventure, the road might have a few bumps along the way. Maybe your dentures are feeling a little odd, or perhaps they decide to take a little slide when you're in the middle of a good laugh.

Don’t worry; it’s all part of the journey. We’re here to help you smooth out those hiccups with some friendly tips that'll make your new smile as comfortable and steady as it is beautiful. Let's get your smile on track and make sure you're loving every moment with those new pearly whites!

an older couple with union center implant dentures

Tackling Sore Spots

Feeling a sore spot or two? This is quite common, especially in the first few weeks as your mouth adjusts to the new implants. Here are a few tricks to help ease the pain:

Give It Time

Just like breaking in new shoes, your mouth needs some time to get used to your new dentures. Hang in there – it gets better!

Rinse with Saltwater

This old-school trick works wonders. Mix a teaspoon of salt in warm water and swish it gently. It’s soothing and helps keep things clean.

Check Your Fit

Sometimes, soreness comes from a fit that isn’t quite right. Don’t hesitate to visit your dentist. A little tweak might just do the trick!

Preventing Unwanted Slips  

Worried about your implant dentures slipping or clicking while you’re talking or eating? Let’s secure that smile with some practical steps:

Practice Makes Perfect

Spend some time getting used to speaking and eating with your new dentures. Practice at home with challenging foods or repeating tricky-to-say phrases.

Mind Your Adhesives

If your dentures still feel slippery, dental adhesives might help. They can provide extra security, keeping them firmly in place.

Regular Check-Ups

Keep up with your dental appointments. Your dentist can make adjustments to improve the fit and prevent future slips.

Keeping Your Dentures Sparkling

Maintaining your implant dentures does more than just keep them looking good. It’s crucial for preventing issues as well.

Daily Cleaning

Treat your dentures like your real teeth and give them a good clean regularly. Use a soft-bristle brush and non-abrasive cleaner to gently clean the surfaces without scratching them.

Soak Overnight

Some dentures need to be kept moist to maintain their shape. Soak them in a special denture cleaner overnight (not water).

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

Stay away from products that aren’t specifically designed for dentures. Harsh chemicals can damage them and irritate your mouth.

When to See Your Dentist

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you might need a little professional help. Here’s when you should book an appointment:

  • Persistent Discomfort: If that sore feeling doesn’t disappear, it could be a sign that something needs adjusting. Don’t suffer in silence!
  • Changes in Fit: If things start to feel wobbly or uncomfortable, it might be time for an adjustment. Your mouth changes, and so should your dentures.
  • Annual Check-Ups: Even if everything feels fine, visit your dentist at least once a year. They can check for wear and tear and make sure your dentures are still in great shape.
union center implant dentures

Choose Us for Top-Notch Union Center Denture Implants

Whether you’re having trouble with your dentures or looking for a team as dedicated to your comfort as they are to your smile, Wojtowicz Dental is the place to be. We're here to smooth out those little bumps along your journey and ensure your smile is nothing short of brilliant. Get in touch now!