Top part of a tooth drawing

What to Expect When You Get a Crown for a Front Tooth

Bottom part of a tooth drawing
June 5, 2024

So, you're thinking about getting a crown for one of your front teeth? Whether you’re doing it to fix a chip or decay, or you’ve just been wanting a more glamorous smile, that’s a decision you definitely won’t regret.  

It's normal to feel a mix of excitement and nerves when considering dental work, especially on such a visible part of your smile. Let’s walk you through what you can expect for this procedure when you head to your dentist in Hillsboro, WI.

man with missing tooth needing to see a dentist in hillsboro wi

Getting a Crown for Your Front Tooth: A Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Consultation and Examination

It all starts with a consultation with your trusted dentist. They will thoroughly examine your front tooth to determine if a crown is necessary and beneficial. Front teeth are crucial for a great first impression, which is why they need to look impeccable.  

Expect to discuss the most suitable materials for your crown, usually porcelain or ceramic, which are favorites for their natural appearance and durability.

Step 2: Preparing Your Tooth

Here’s where the real work begins. Your dentist needs to get your tooth ready for its new crown. This normally involves reshaping the tooth a bit so the crown can fit like a glove.  

If the thought of dental work makes you squirm, don’t worry. You won’t feel a thing since your dentist will numb the area to keep you comfy and pain-free during the entire procedure.  

Step 3: Impression and Temporary Crown

Once your tooth is shaped, your dentist in Hillsboro, WI, will take an impression of your mouth. This mold tells the dental lab exactly what your crown needs to look like, helping them craft a crown that fits perfectly and matches the rest of your teeth in shape and color.

While you wait for your permanent crown to be made, you’ll get a temporary one so you can eat, drink, and smile without a gap. This temporary crown is usually made right in the office and is just for short-term use.

Step 4: Fitting Your Permanent Crown

After a week or two, your new crown will be ready. You'll pop back into the dentist’s office to have the temporary one swapped out for the permanent dazzler. Your dentist will make sure the fit is just right and that the color matches your natural teeth—so it won’t be obvious you’ve had work done.

Step 5: Aftercare

Getting a crown doesn’t end at the dentist’s office. There’s a bit of aftercare involved. You’ll need to treat your new crown as if it’s one of your own teeth. Brush, floss, and keep up with your dentist appointments.  

Sometimes, crowns can feel a bit odd at first, especially when biting down. If something feels off, don’t hesitate to call your dentist. They might need to make a few adjustments.

smiling at the dentist in hillsboro wi

Looking for a Dentist in Hillsboro, WI, Who Offers Exceptional Crown Procedures?

Ready to give your smile an upgrade with a dental crown? Choose Wojtowicz Dental, where we combine expertise with a gentle touch to ensure your crown is perfect. Trust us to handle your crown with the care and expertise you deserve. Contact us now to book an appointment!